Why Email Marketing Is Still A Relevant Tool In Digital Marketing?

Why Email Marketing Is Still A Relevant Tool In Digital Marketing?

In the era of social media, messaging apps, and chatbots, email marketing might seem outdated. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Email marketing is still a relevant tool in digital marketing, and in this article, we'll explain why.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is the practice of sending promotional messages to a group of people via email. These messages can include offers, announcements, news, and other types of content that businesses want to share with their audience.

Why is Email Marketing Still Relevant?

Email marketing is still relevant because it allows businesses to connect with their customers directly, has a high return on investment (ROI), can be personalized and automated, and provides measurable results.

Direct Connection with Customers

Email marketing is a direct way to connect with your customers. When people sign up to receive your emails, they are giving you permission to communicate with them. This means that they are already interested in your brand and want to hear from you. This direct connection can help you build a relationship with your customers and keep them engaged with your brand.

High ROI

Email marketing has a high return on investment (ROI) compared to other marketing channels. According to a study by the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing has an average ROI of 3800%. This means that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $38. This is because email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience.


Email marketing allows you to personalize your messages for each recipient. You can segment your email list based on factors such as location, interests, and past behavior. This allows you to send targeted messages that are more relevant to each individual recipient. Personalization can help increase open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.


Email marketing can be automated, which means that you can set up a series of emails to be sent automatically to new subscribers or based on specific triggers. This allows you to nurture leads and build relationships with your customers without having to manually send emails every time.

Measurable Results

Email marketing provides measurable results. You can track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. This allows you to see what is working and what isn't, and make adjustments to your email campaigns accordingly.

Tips for Successful Email Marketing

To run a successful email marketing campaign, businesses should follow the following tips:

• Build a Quality Email List

Your email list is the foundation of your email marketing strategy. It's important to build a quality email list of people who have given you permission to communicate with them. This means that you should avoid buying email lists or adding people to your list without their permission.

• Segment Your Email List

Segmenting your email list allows you to send targeted messages to specific groups of people. You can segment your list based on factors such as location, interests, and past behavior.

• Use Personalization

Personalization can help increase open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Use personalization to include the recipient's name in the subject line and body of the email, and to send targeted messages based on their interests and past behavior.

• Use a Clear Call-to-Action

Every email you send should have a clear call-to-action (CTA). This could be to click a link, make a purchase, or sign up for a newsletter. Your CTA should be clear, concise, and easy to understand.

• Test and Measure

Testing and measuring your email campaigns is important to see what is working and what isn't. Test different subject lines, content, and CTAs to see what resonates with your audience.


Email marketing is still a relevant tool in digital marketing. It allows businesses to connect directly with their customers, has a high ROI, can be personalized, automated, and provides measurable results. By following the tips outlined in this article, businesses can create successful email marketing campaigns that engage and convert their audience.